First News 1st – 7th May 2020
The first edition of May 2020….look out for the links on our Facebook page.
The first edition of May 2020….look out for the links on our Facebook page.
Thank you to everyone who donated their used stamps in order to help Hedgehog Haven.
This week’s First News has some great ideas for keeping busy!
This week’s edition has some informative and light hearted articles, watch out for the links on our Facebook page to some of the great ideas discussed.
This weeks’ First News has some great articles, well worth the read!
New month, new First News! We hope you enjoy reading some of the very interesting topics covered in this months edition.
First News, a newspaper for children, which we receive for our school library is now being sent to us electronically, we thought it may prove useful reading material for your child/children.
During the Autumn term Year 5 pupils took part in the Picture Book Awards run by Bishop Stortford College. Tutors read the six shortlisted picture books to their class and then pupils voted for their favourite. The Ralph Sadleir results tied with 17 votes each for ‘This is a Dog’ and ‘Dragon Post’
On Wednesday 12th February fourteen pupils were lucky enough to attend the awards ceremony at Bishop Stortford College. At the ceremony we heard a number of authors and illustrators speak about their books and how they went about writing and illustrating these books. Then the moment we were all waiting for, the announcement of who had won the Picture Book Awards. Other schools seemed to agree with our choices as ‘This is a Dog’ was the winner with ‘Dragon Post’ in second place.
Mrs Woollard