Academy Statutory Accounts
The Academies Accounts Direction is the reference pack for academy trusts and their auditors to use when preparing and auditing financial statements for the accounting period ending on 31 August annually.
The Accounts Direction outlines the requirements for each academy trust to:
- prepare an annual report and financial statements to 31 August
- have these accounts audited annually by independent registered auditors
- produce a statement of regularity, propriety and compliance and obtain a regularity assurance report on this statement from the auditor
- submit the audited accounts and auditor’s regularity assurance report to ESFA within 4 months of its year end, usually by 31 December
- file the accounts with the Companies Registrar as required under the Companies Act 2006
- publish the audited accounts on the trust’s website by 31 January
To produce the Accounts Direction, the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) takes the requirements set out by the Charity Commission in its Statement of Recommended Practice (SORP) and translates them into a form applicable to academy trusts.
Please click on the document below to view the statutory annual report and financial statements for Ralph Sadleir School. The school’s financial benchmarking service website is available here.