British Values
Ralph Sadleir School is committed to serving its community. It recognises the multi-cultural, multi faith and ever-changing nature of the United Kingdom. It also understands the vital role it has in ensuring that groups or individuals within the school are not subjected to intimidation or radicalisation by those wishing to unduly, or illegally, influence them.
The school accepts admissions from all those entitled to an education under British law, including pupils of all faiths or none. It follows the policies outlined by the Governors of the Multi Academy Trust regarding equal opportunities, which guarantee that there will be no discrimination against any individual or group, regardless of faith, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, political or financial status, or similar. It seeks to serve all.
The Government emphasises that schools are required to ensure that key ‘British Values’ are taught in all UK schools.
The government set out its definition of British values in the ‘Prevent Strategy’ – values of:
- democracy
- the rule of law
- individual liberty
- mutual respect
- tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs
The school uses strategies within the National Curriculum and beyond to secure such outcomes for pupils. Here are some examples of when British Values are shared:
- Curriculum themes and topics
- Our curriculum prepares children for life in British Society; this includes developing the understanding and use of money, effective reading and writing skills, collaboration and discussion to research ideas and concepts.
- Curriculum themes include historical and geographical study in the context of the United Kingdom as well as national and international comparisons.
- Our assemblies and Tutor Group Activity Programme uphold traditional values of empathy, respect and tolerance.
Mutual respect is also taught extensively throughout PSHE lessons and on an informal basis throughout the cross-curricular days. Pupils are encouraged to know, understand and exercise their rights and personal freedoms and advised how to exercise these safely.
Multicultural Beliefs
Tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs is promoted in RE as children gain a greater understanding of religious diversity and practices for those religions represented in the UK.
Promotion of the concept of “fair play”, following and developing rules, celebrating and rewarding success, accepting defeat and participating in activities that promote cooperation with others and inclusion for all form an integral part of the PE curriculum.
School Council/Anti-Bullying Ambassadors
The school promotes democratic processes through the election of school councillors. This fosters the concept of freedom of speech and group action to address need and concerns.
Involvement in Key Local and National Events
Each year Remembrance Day is remembered and children are encouraged to reflect on this. In recent years, we celebrated the Golden Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II, the Queen’s 65th anniversary of her coronation and the weddings of Prince William and Kate Middleton.
The school is aware of the need to be vigilant when it comes to extreme attitudes or behaviour of any kind and appropriate actions will be taken accordingly. All staff are fully trained and the Prevent Lead is Mrs Wilson. Our PHSE curriculum develops pupils understanding of radicalisation. Our overriding aim is to teach children to be resilient to such attitudes. This involves pupils being taught how to ask probing questions and make sound judgements for themselves about what is right and wrong.
Further Links
- Departmental advice on promoting basic important British values as part of pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) development.
- Departmental advice for schools and child care providers on The Prevent Duty–duty–guidance
For further information of how the school seeks to promote key British Values, please feel free to contact us at
The Senior Leadership Team review the British Values every three years or before if the policy requires an update linked to changes within school or linked to DFE updates. The next review is planned for Spring Term 2024.