Special Educational Needs & Disability (SEND)
Ralph Sadleir understands that some children will have Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND). Support is put in place to ensure that school is a supportive and inclusive environment for children that have SEND.
If you need to speak to the SENDCO, please contact Mrs V. Wilson at SENDCO@ralphsadleir.academy
How will my child be supported?
The support your child receives will depend on their needs. As needs change over time the support in place is reviewed regularly to make sure that it is being effective.
Support for children coming to the school starts before they arrive at Ralph Sadleir. Local schools help this to be a smooth transition as part of their handover. Parents of children who know that their children will need additional support are encouraged to talk to the SENDCO . Children who need additional visits are given the opportunity to come and have a look around during the day and get to know the staff. A transition booklet is available with a map and timetable for the day.
Adjustments made to support children are made through Quality First Teaching with scaffolded tasks and reasonable adjustments. Sometimes children need additional support through interventions and parents are informed about these. Additional assessments are sometimes needed to gather extra information. If additional support is needed, the school is able to refer to outside agencies for additional support or advice. Parental consent is needed for any referrals to take place.
In school we have teaching assistants (TAs) who help in classes and also run interventions outside the classroom. Current intervention run by TAs include: Phonics, Spelling, Reading, Maths, Touch typing, Self-regulation, Protective behaviour, Lego therapy and Lunch Club.
If your child would benefit, a School Support Plan (SSP) can be set up to set out what support is in place.
Outside agencies also come and support children in school and some children also attend RDA sessions off-site once a week.
What if my child has an EHCP?
If your child already has an EHCP the school will already have been made aware of the EHCP before your child joins to ensure the school is able to meet the needs of your child. Contact the SENDCO; sendco@ralphsadleir.academy to discuss the specific needs of your child and answer any questions you may have. EHCPs are reviewed annually.
Who do I speak to if I am worried?
If you are worried about your child the first person to contact should be the tutor. If you are unsure how to get in touch with them this could be through the office at admin@ralphsadleir.academy and they can forward a message on. If your concern is about a specific subject, contact the class teacher for that subject. If something unexpected has happened and your child has been affected it would be useful for school to be aware so that they can offer support if needed.
If you need to contact the SENDCO about a SEND issue email sendco@ralphsadleir.academy