Friday January 31st 2014
What a week!! The Blog is finally here…
‘ello, ‘ello, ‘ello or as I should say hello – I have to be careful because the Grammar Police are always watching at Ralph Sadleir. This is an initiative that Mr Aylett (Chief Inspector) has been spearheading to help all of us remember our full stops and capital letters. There were plenty of children and at least one teacher in Reminder Club on Thursday.
In Key Stage 3, Years 7 & 8 have been continuing their House football and netball leagues. Each week different children have different roles: manager, fitness coach, skills coach, official, reporter & player. It really focuses their minds on responsibility and team work. Year 7’s have produced some excellent presentations on the use of electromagnets. Some of the Year 8’s also produced some ‘Thrilling’ dance pieces. In Food Technology the children have been making some lovely savoury and sweet crumbles. To continue with the food theme the School Council have been working with Mr Rowe the catering manager to design the lunch menu for a whole week after half-term. In addition the Year 8 Enterprise Groups are taking over the sale of break time snacks every Monday as of next week. Finally on the food theme the ‘Great Ralph Sadleir Bake-Off’ is coming soon…
Year 6 have had an amazing trip to Duxford to enrich their understanding of life in World War 2. Maddison R’s favourite part of the day ‘was looking round the museum to see all the things people used in the army.’ Whilst Conor M ‘enjoyed the dressing up as an evacuee.’
On Wednesday the Year 5’s displayed their amazing cross-curricular homework on The River Nile, some of the work produced was amazing and I know from speaking to the teachers that they were really impressed by the standard produced.
The School Choir continue to learn, practise, rehearse and refine all the songs ready for their performance at the Royal Albert Hall. Miss Mason is full of praise and admiration for their effort and dedication. Lunch times are also filled with auditions and practice for ‘Stars’ not just amongst the children.
Finally the week culminated with my assembly, which asked the question, what is the point of school? I also got a chance to show the children how my attempts to learn something new have been going – you will have to ask them how I got on.