Friday 27th March
Not sure what all the fuss is about…this running a school lark is pretty easy!!!!!!!!
With Mrs Hinton and the Year 7s in France I got my chance to test drive my leadership skills ready for next term. As I drove away from school this evening (it was still standing) I was absolutely shattered – a good indicator that I’d been busy!!
I wasn’t the only one mind you as the Year 8s had been working with Anthony Glenn on their Shakespeare performance of Romeo and Juliet all week culminating in a performance to parents yesterday evening. It was wonderful to see the children working as a group and really supporting one another. It was an excellent showcase of their talents and I am sure that anyone who watched it, like me were suitably impressed and entertained.
Lots of sporting action has been going on lately, Mr Morgan and Miss Bickerstaff have been practically living in the minibus! District netball tournaments for the Key Stage 3 girls with the Year 7s reaching the final. The Year 5s also competed in the mixed High5 netball tournament winning lots of matches. This afternoon our Year 6 boys were narrowly beaten by Greenaway in the 9-a-side District Cup Final after just failing to qualify for the County Cup Quarter-Finals. We wish the girls luck next week in their county tournament. The highlight of recent sporting endeavours has to be the Key Stage 3 girls winning the Lady Taverners County Cricket Tournament and progressing to the regional event to be held at Leicestershire CC with the winners of that playing at Lords.
My assembly today looked at mindsets and how they can either help or hinder your thinking and success. Perhaps try asking what the difference between a fixed and growth mindset is. I showed everyone how using positive self-talk can change their outlook, instead of ‘I can’t do it’ use ‘I can’t do it yet’. I showed them a clip of the greatest self-talker ever – Muhammad Ali – as well as some of the biggest failures to never give up – ask your children who some of them were.
Special congratulations should go to Katie S in Year 6 as she is the first pupil to get their Diamond certificate for 80 merits – superb effort!!
Next week the focus moves to the end of term and the end of an era as we say goodbye to Mrs Hinton as she retires for a well deserved break. She is the reason I came to the school, so you can either thank her or blame her, and I will always be grateful for the time I’ve had working with her. For those of you worried about whether I am capable of filling her shoes…I won’t even bother trying as she is a size 5 and I am a size 10!!
Have a good weekend and remember life is not about waiting for the storms to pass but learning to dance in the rain☔️