Well there was a big announcement this week, somewhat overshadowed by a lesser one from across the pond, Ofsted have decided that we continue to be a GOOD school!!!!!!
The full letter from the Ofsted Inspector and my covering one (including my Freudian slip) can be found elsewhere on our website, please take time to read it thoroughly as it gives a fair assessment of where we are as a school – I’d be really interested to hear your reactions via the feedback tab or feedback@ralphsadleir.herts.sch.uk
It’s been a while since my last Blog and I can tell that the children have been working very hard because this week Mrs Kerner gave me a pile of Merit Certificates that was about 2 inches (or 5 and a bit centimetres) high to sign over the weekend, recipients will be announced in my assembly on Friday this coming week.
On the subject of assemblies we have had some good ones in recent weeks: a sing along with Mr Fuller to raise the dopamine levels in the brain; IAP looking at people’s favourite places to travel to; Mrs Hesketh focusing on the importance of making marginal gains – linking to our Growth Mindset culture; lastly this week we had Mrs O-D and her tutor group delivering our Remembrance Assembly culminating in our two minutes silence to show our respects for those who gave so much. Our Year 8s have been busily selling Poppies all week to raise money for the Royal British Legion.
This week Mr Palmen with support from our Safe Guarding Governor Mrs Forbes, gave a very informative workshop on e-safety – something that is of a growing concern for me both as a parent and more worryingly the Headteacher. Without our help and support our children are at risk more than ever before and from threats that we cannot always see – education for all in this area is vital if this generation is to grow up safely.
Be aware that it seems that all of Station Road and parts of South Road are being dug up throughout the comings weeks and enforced road closures. We haven’t heard anything official about potential disruption but please be prepared and plan your journeys accordingly.
We have a new Twitter feed for you to follow from our Humanities Faculty – @R_SadHumanities take a look and see what it’s all about.
The RSA and I were completely overwhelmed with your generosity today with chocolate and smellies, both of those stalls will be fully stocked up on The Christmas Bazaar – which is in 2 weekends time – please come along and win all your donations back. The usual highlight of the whole day is the world renowned ‘Bickerstaff Bottle Tombola’ we are currently in desperate need of bottles of all shapes,sizes and fillings.
‘For your sacrifice, for our freedom. We say thank you and shall never forget.’ I wear a poppy as red as can be to show that I remember, those who fought for me.