Friday 12th February
There was a lot of love going on this week in school. D6 started it all off with an informative assembly about who St Valentine was
and the history of the celebration as well as the different customs around the world. Today’s assembly extended that idea into relationships; the different types and the things you need to do to maintain them – ask your children what some of them were. Even the kitchen staff got involved with a ‘lovely’ display.
The Year 6s have been busy this week doing some practice tests to give them some preparation for their SATs in May. We are trying to make them as prepared as possible although the information about the new style tests and expectations coming from the Government is sketchy at best. This week writing examples were released and when Mrs Brown and Mrs McIver took them to a moderation meeting with other teachers from other primary and secondary schools in Hertfordshire, the secondary teachers said they’d be pleased if their Year 8s wrote like that!! Today they rounded off their week by going to Crucial Crew to learn about being safe and staying safe. Personal safety was also a theme of the week in ICT as this linked into work around Safer Internet Day on Tuesday.
In short: the Year 5s had a brilliant treasure hunt, there were geographical board games being made, Year 8s were being stitched up – I mean were stitching up their drawstring bags in technology and were writing balanced arguments on contentious topics and the Year 7s were finishing up with fractions, decimals and percentages whilst learning about microbes.
Sportwise there were wins for the Year 8 netball teams and both the Year 7 and Year 8 football teams. The Year 8 boys success in the National Cup was reported in the Hertfordshire Mercury this week and they are off to the south coast on the Monday we return to play their Quarter-final match – fingers crossed and we wish them well.
We had some hellos and goodbyes this week as Mrs Murfet returned from her maternity leave, sadly that means we had to say goodbye to Miss Chandler – who has made a big impact in school and we thank her for all her effort and wish her well for the future.
Sadleir (Well most of them) were also loving school today as they had earned a non-uniform day (Well, judging by the number of boys in Hype tracksuits and hoodies you’d think it was the new school uniform!!) by claiming merits – over 1200 by the end of the week in fact; fantastic effort and well done for claiming them all; there have been over 4500 claimed merits so far this academic year but special congratulations should go to Sophie K in Year 6 who is the first to achieve her Platinum Certificate for 60 Merits.
A good relationship is about two things: firstly appreciating the similarities and secondly respecting the differences – have a lovely weekend and week off (Parents – tag you’re it!!!!!!!!!)