School Funding
Many of you will be becoming increasingly aware of issues surrounding school funding throughout the country.
It has always been at this time of year that we wait, more in hope than expectation, for news of the funding that our school will receive for the next twelve months. It has rarely been good news, with funding usually falling below a ‘real terms’ increase. The government maintains that they are protecting educational spending but conveniently not mentioning the extra costs that schools are facing – increased costs that must be met from decreasing levels of funding.
Be assured that the school continues to have excellent control of its finances and will always set its budget with the sole aim of providing the best possible education for our students. It should come as no surprise that budget setting is becoming increasingly difficult – and disheartening – as tough decisions need to be made.
Our children have one chance at their school education – it is our responsibility to maximise their opportunities.
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Many thanks for your continued support.
Dominic Spong