Friday 12th May
Well that’s that – SATs week done!! As a Middle School we aren’t all that fussed about them in the first place, our focus has always been the children’s progress from entry in Year 5 to exit in Year 8. Unlike some schools we don’t dedicate our curriculum to practise papers, we don’t get rid of any creative subjects to just focus on English and Maths, we don’t make them come in on Saturday’s for extra lessons. We do prepare them as best we can, we give those who need it or want it extra support but that’s it. I’d much rather hear about the ‘Helping Others’, making a difference or projects they did, than whether they can begin a sentence with a fronted adverbial! The entire Year 6 team deserved their afternoon party today and a huge thank you to the parents who donated enough sugar based products to feed an army. Special mention to Mrs Plested for this amazing cake.
Elsewhere in school normal lessons and learning continued – thank goodness!! Being the summer term it is so nice to see the children out on our field enjoying the space. It wasn’t only our children utilising our space but lots and lots of first school children (and a baby muntjac deer) turned up to take part in the Cross Country.
We said thank you and goodbye to the three student teachers that have been working in Year 5 over the past term and a half. On the other hand we will be saying hello to Mrs McLean who will be joining our staff team to teach Science from September.
So please take the advice I gave the Year sixes – life is short, enjoy it and try your best everyday. Have a great weekend.