Parking Enforcements
We have received this notice from East Herts Council:
On 2 February 2015 East Herts Council will launch a mobile parking enforcement service dedicated to the enforcement of yellow line ‘zig-zag’ restrictions outside schools. The launch of this initiative is in part a response to reports and complaints from members of the public concerning dangerous and inconsiderate parking outside schools and is in line with the Council’s overall parking enforcement strategy. When surveyed in 2010, sixty-nine percent of East Herts residents identified safety-related parking enforcement such as this as their highest or second highest enforcement priority.
Schools where parking enforcement takes place using foot patrols – primarily in our larger towns – will continue to be served in this way. The new mobile service will be dedicated primarily to schools in smaller towns and villages where, due to resource constraints, our attendance has hitherto been limited. The emphasis will be on deterrence, although a Penalty Charge Notice will be issued where a parking contravention occurs.
We propose to develop and refine the service over the first few months and I hope to send you an update in the spring. If you think it would be helpful to mention this initiative in your school newsletter/email service you are very welcome to do so.
Best wishes
Andrew Pulham
Parking Manager, East Herts Council