Friday 11th July
It has been 2 weeks since I last Blogged and the fortnight has whizzed by in a blur!!
We’ve had children helping and participating at Schoolympics; the girls narrowly missing out on making it through from the county Kwik cricket finals; House quiz; Transition Day; Year 4 into 5 and Year 6 into 7 transition Parents’ Evenings.
It has been my first experience of transition here and seeing the excited faces of the year 4 children as they moved around school on Thursday was brilliant. I hope the ‘delight’ of older siblings seeing younger ones lasts long into the next academic year.
The main activity this week was Sports Day, some of the pre-tournament ambivalence from Year 8 was soon forgotten once the round-robin competition began. It was a beautiful day and fantastically supported by lots of parents. Freman were the eventual winners with Wellington second, Salisbury third and Sadleir fourth.
So just a week to go, surely nothing much can be left to do…