Friday 16th October
This week saw the first cross-curricular day of the year, the focus was the world around us. The children took part in a wide range of activities; from looking round the Ralphies’ National Park; saving endangered animals; reconstructing mammals from owl pellets; making bird feeders; to redesigning Puckeridge. The children get to learn new and use a whole range of skills in non-traditional learning activities; they also have lots of fun. A huge amount of credit goes to the staff who plan, source and deliver these sessions; a good indicator of how hard they work is that there needs to be an afternoon break – for a caffeine and sugar kick – which the children believe is for them!
On Thursday a group of Year 5 and 6 children took part in a tag rugby festival in Bishops Stortford, inspired by the World Cup (Perhaps not necessarily England) they all really enjoyed their games and put in some strong performances. Also this week our 5 and 6 girls played netball matches against St Edmunds.
Next week is the final week of the half term, unbelievable how time flies – I must have been having fun – with two important dates in the school diary – Year 8 Parents’ Evening and an INSET training day for staff on Friday, which means school is closed to children.