Friday 23rd September
There are some weeks when a Blog is tricky to write because I am scratching around trying to find things that have happened in the week…this week is not one of them!!!!
The Year 8s had their Business Enterprise Week – starting with a day’s activities ran by Young Enterprise on Monday; Tuesday to Thursday morning was spent forming their companies and deciding on their products/services and then writing business plans and marketing; Thursday afternoon saw them all pitch their business ideas to the Dragons in our den. Tuesday also saw a motivational talk by Scott Saunders – from the Apprentice. There are some really good ideas and the children have worked really hard and have learned a lot of real life skills. A huge thank you to Miss Hurren and Miss Devine for all their efforts in organising the week’s activities.
To ensure complete realism for Business Enterprise Week we took the Year 8s to the Young Mariners base for a Middle Management strategy away day, team building exercise today – lots of fun, luckily by the sounds of things, none of the enterprise groups are selling homemade rafts!!
The Year 6s had a fantastic time in PGL and there are loads of pictures and Mr Creasey’s daily updates are elsewhere on the website please be sure to check them out. The remaining Year 6s had an action packed week in school doing lots of different activities to their normal curriculum.
Today is European Day of Languages, this was kicked off by an assembly from Miss Hampshire on the importance of learning languages – especially since the Brexit vote. Ask your children what percentage of the world speak English. The rest of the day saw them doing a range of activities that included playing boules; making Venetian masks; learning about maps of Europe; cooking crêpes; and learning numbers and simple vocabulary in French, Spanish and German.
I think that’s basically it…oh unless you count a visit from Ofsted on Tuesday!! There is not much that can be said about it at the moment as we have to wait to share their findings but all I can do is praise the children who were their usual brilliant selves; and say thank you to the parents that filled out the ParentView questionnaire. 90% of you would recommend the school, which is a fantastic endorsement but we will not rest on our laurels and we will continue to build a school that provides the best learning opportunities and support to its pupils.
Next week is no less busy with our Growth Mindset cross-curricular day and parents’ talk and our Open Evening event.
And breathe…have a great weekend.