Friday 31st September
As September draws to a close the pace in school showed no signs of letting up!
This week saw our first cross curricular day – totally dedicated to developing a Growth Mindset. The children looked at some famous failures; how to think in a Growth Mindset way; how the brain changes as we learn – neuroplasticity
; and even an uplifting song. In the afternoon they all got to hear a talk by Robin Launder,
who is an expert on the concept. The day didn’t stop there, we had a parents talk in the evening. I think it is the most influential piece of training that I have received which is why I am passionate about embedding it into the culture of the school.
On Wednesday my assembly built on the work of the previous day by challenging the children to remove the word ‘can’t’ from their vocabulary and shared with them the remarkable story of Jennifer Bricker. So next time your children tell you they can’t do something then please remind them about the girl who could tumble without legs!!
Thursday saw one of the biggest days of the year – our Open Evening for prospective parents. Mr Verderame and his site team had been working tirelessly to make the school look its best; the teachers and support staff had been planning engaging and making the school walls come to life with displays. The evening itself was a roaring success, more parents than ever before and such a feeling of positivity but the stars of the show were the pupils of Ralph Sadleir – our greatest selling point as always!!
Our Year 7s started the football season with a win and our Year 5s had a great time at Schoolympics on Thursday morning.
I firmly believe that as a school we are the place to be and the future is exciting, thank you for being part of it – enjoy your weekend.