Friday 28th March
The school is definitely less crowded with some of our big Year 7’s away on their residential trip to France however we are certainly just as busy!! The remaining Year 7’s have had an exciting and varied curriculum. Assemblies this week came from S6 on why to avoid being a couch potato and A6 on changes.
The main focus of the week has been our Year 8’s working with Anthony Glenn on dramatising the work they have been doing in English on Romeo and Juliet, culminating in an amazing performance on Thursday evening. They really are a talented bunch of students and I consider it a real privilege to have got to know them. It was wonderful to see the confidence, from not necessarily children you would always expect, to go up on stage.
In sport the girls have been busiest, district tournaments for the Year 8 and 7 girls were played; whilst the Year 6 girls won the High Five netball tournament, amassing a 25-0 cumulative score over their matches. The Year 6 boys who represent the district team had another thumping victory on Monday which stands the team in good stead for the County Cup Quarter-Final competition next week. Special congratulations must go to Olivia D. from Year 8 who came second in the Hertfordshire Schools’ County Golf competition, Tiny Woods as I like to call her played superbly scoring 43 stapleford points.
Next week is the final week of term but there is no let up in activity – the Sport Relief Mile’s will be taking place for each year group; there is the Great Ralph Sadleir Bake-Off; an Easter egg raffle; and of course, the children’s favourite – end of term assessments!!
I will leave you with a quote from Shakespeare’s play, As You Like It, ‘Then the whining school-boy, with his satchel, And shining morning face, creeping like a snail, Unwillingly to school.’
If only he’d gone to Ralph Sadleir!!!!!!!!!!! Have a great weekend.