Friday 11th September
The end of the first proper week – everyone survived!!
It was an important week at the end for our Year 8s, the first of many for them in their final year at Ralph Sadleir – the announcements of the House Officials. This year we will be looking to make their roles more prominent within the school, they are our greatest advertisement on Open Days as well as being tremendously helpful. However it is their role within the school as leaders that I will be looking to develop – more to come in future Blogs. The quality of applications from all the pupils was excellent, Mr Morgan said they were collectively the best he has received for some time, making the decisions in some cases very, very difficult indeed and in fact many of the staff had a read through the applications and an input into the discussion before they were finalised.
Next week the children wont be the only people doing some formalised learning in school as five brave teachers become pupils again as they participate in an Outstanding Teacher Development Project, not only will this see benefits to all the children in the school but also all the staff too, as they will be sharing their new found knowledge through staff meetings and training days.
These are all initiatives and ideas that I am beginning to introduce as I find my feet and grow into Headship, your feedback is always welcome and I will be announcing the dates and times of this term’s Parent Forums later on this week, if you can’t make them then I am also looking into the possibility of setting up Conference Call for working parents to dial in.
Around school this week there were outbursts of rock music, concerned I entered the classrooms expecting to see the staff and pupils practising their air guitar skills; thankfully it is part of a times tables learning programme that we are using in school. Either the children will get better at their multiplication fact recall or they will all become Bon Jovi fans – not sure which will be more beneficial in their lives!!
Have a great weekend.