Friday 18th September
This week saw the start of clubs; 99.9% of all the girls in the school therefore went to netball club and there were a good number at Key Stage 3 rugby. Other clubs and things are ongoing so please get your children to check the boards for information; we are always on the look out for new and interesting ideas and/or people to run clubs for the children so please speak to Mr Morgan if you would like to get involved.
We had our first sports fixture of the year with our Year 8 boys comfortably winning their first round match in the English Schools Cup against Etonbury Academy.
Preparation was the key focus of the week: the staff were making early preparations for the first Cross-Curricular Day as well as beginning to think about Open Evening; the Year 6 team and children were getting excited (ready) for their residential trip to PGL next week; the Year 8s were preparing vegetables for their Food Tech lessons and thinking ahead to all the activities of Business Enterprise week; the Year 5s were preparing themselves for what they thought were extra computing lessons but turned out to be online baseline assessments; and the Year 7s…well…i’m sure they were preparing for something.
Assembly themes this week started with Mr Fuller talking about teamwork and how it can support people within a school and their wider lives, he didn’t bring in his guitar and sing, maybe next time. Friday’s assembly focused on British Values – a theme that will run throughout assembly and PSHE lessons this year – and in particular this week, tolerance. Ask your children about what things we should be tolerant of in school. On Thursday morning Reverend Alan and one of his youth workers explained to all our Key Stage 3 children about the new youth club taking place in the community centre every Sunday.
Finally I end with a plea (or few); my senior team and I have been out this week after receiving reports both about the parking of cars and the driving around school. People are using Perowne Way to pull u-turns before dropping off outside school, which is making crossing the road for our pupils and all those trying to get to RDC increasingly dangerous. We encourage our parents to drop their children off at the community centre and then the children can walk the short distance into school using the crossing; as a working parent I understand the time pressures on getting to work but an extra couple of minutes to drop off safely, for everyone, is surely worth it. On the subject of parking please can we also be considerate when parking in Perowne Way and Britannia – considerate of people’s driveways and of pedestrians.
It is supposed to be a lovely weekend, I’m sure like many of you I will be spending it ferrying my children from their various sporting and social activities – I remember playing sport and having a social life..a long time ago – so I will at least be trying to enjoy the weather!! Hopefully many of you will be supporting RDC’s Family Fun Day on Saturday, helping to raise money for their new learning space – which will be amazing!!