Somewhat strangely I’m going to start this week’s Blog by going back to last week, my first Stars – an incredibly memorable evening for soo many reasons!! I was truly astounded by the sheer number of talented pupils and the quality of their performances. A lot of thanks must also go to the hard work behind the scenes from the staff to put on such a wonderful evening. Off the back of this one of our Year 8 enterprise groups will be recording, producing and selling some compilation albums of our children performing, more details coming soon.
Continuing on a performance theme, the school choir ably led by Miss Mason will be singing at the Royal Albert Hall this Sunday and if the singing I have heard coming from the Music Room every lunchtime this week is anything to go by then the audience are in for a massive treat. There will be a review in next week’s Blog.
Monday was a Cross-Curricular Day, with a focus on healthy living – lots of activities based around helping the children realise that a healthy lifestyle in-corporates a good diet, positive mindset and regular exercise.

The Year 5’s continued their work on Ancient Egypt with an entire themed day where they a did pharaoh’ld amount of work – maths, science, English (hieroglyphics) and art.
Finally with a spell of decent weather we are having a glut of sports fixtures – Year 8 girls played really well against St Edmund’s College in two netball matches; The Year 8 boys came second in their group at district football; The Year 7 boys progressed through to the next round of the cup with a 1-0 win over Helena Romanes, Mayomikun E. scoring the only goal. As well as school matches we have had some Year 6 boys – Noah P, Archie G, Luke C, Dominic G and Austen G – playing for the District U11 team. So far they have played 2 matches, losing to Potter’s Bar and beating Stevenage, with both Luke and Dominic scoring. It is a big honour to be selected to represent the District and we are very proud of the boys!! We also had two Year 8 boys – Zach H and George B – go to trials for the U13 County Rugby team, both enjoyed the experience and learned a lot by training with the best boys from across the county.
Speaking of big honours, hopefully you all received the parent mail about the Parents’ House Football event after Easter, it is a great opportunity to get involved in the school community and help your children’s house point totals. Please let me know either via email or through your children.
Another way to get involved will be by entering the School Council’s: Great Ralph Sadleir Bake Off in support of Sport Relief. This will be a competition run (And judged by) the School Council – prizes for both child and adult entries will be given. All the cake that’s left over from the (Very eager) judging panel will be then sold and all proceeds will go towards our Sport Relief fund.
And so another week comes to an end, we had a lively assembly introducing National Science Week by Mrs Bingham and a very special guest. There were some excellent presentations on: our famous, teaching group named scientists, who will you vote for as the most influential?; on scientific discoveries like the MRI scanner; and on what the future holds – my personal favourite was flying cars. As part of the planned activities, a group of Year 5 children (Florence S, Callum B, Oliver K, Emilia H) went to the Haileybury Science Challenge with Mrs Charlton, who said ‘ the children completed three different challenges throughout the day, one biology one physics and one chemistry. They had to work as a team to complete the tasks. They were quite difficult tasks but they worked well, read the instructions carefully and completed each task successfully! The tasks included making an electromagnet, testing urine and making oxygen.’ A huge thank you to Mrs Charlton for supporting the children through out the day, she told me how proud she was of their conduct and performance.
Remember…the roots of education might be bitter but the fruit is sweet!!